Break Free from the Overwhelm of Birth

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, fearful, or anxious about your upcoming birth, you are definitely not alone.

  • Perhaps you’re looking for a more personalised approach to preparing for birth, one that isn’t the typical system of care that treats you like a number on the conveyor belt?

  • Maybe you’re worrying about navigating your pregnancy or adjusting to life with a baby.

  • The flood of conflicting opinions.

  • The endless questions.

  • Wondering whether you’ll be able to cope with the pain in labour? How will you avoid it? How will you be comfortable? How can you stay calm even when it feels intense?

  • Questioning who will tell you ALL YOUR OPTIONS when it comes to creating your birth plan.

  • Hoping your birth partner will know how to support you.

  • Not sure if you know what all the interventions are and whether you’ll need any. 

  • Hoping you’ll know how to navigate the hard conversations with your birth team and knowing when and how to advocate for yourself in labour.

  • Worrying about the UNKNOWN and not knowing which questions to ask.

If any of this resonates with you, I am here to provide the support you need.

There can be so many swirling anxieties that leave you paralysed and not sure where to begin. 

It’s time to break free

from the chaos and embrace empowerment.

As a birth coach, I am here to guide you through the maze of uncertainty and help you reclaim control over your birth experience.

Let me take you by the hand and together we'll navigate the overwhelm, dispel the doubts, and pave the way for your transformative journey into parenthood.

Say goodbye to the sleepless nights filled with what-ifs and self-doubt.

I’m here to help you step into your power, make informed decisions, and confidently embark on the beautiful adventure of bringing new life into the world.

Let's turn birth overwhelm into birth power.

If you have given birth before, we will talk through your previous birth experience/s and your parenting journey so far and I will hold the space for you as we partner together to disentangle any feelings and emotions that are holding you back for this birth.

I will guide you as you uncover your unique style of coping. We will draw on strategies you already successfully use in other areas of your life and I’ll show you how to apply these as you prepare for a positive birth experience.

I am an accredited Transformational Birth Coach and together, we'll delve into your expectations, goals and personal values using thought-provoking questions and intentional self-reflection to clarify your path.

Through personalised, intentional coaching, I will help you

  • clarify your convictions

  • find confidence in your choices

  • and overcome personal challenges.

Navigating the complexities of the maternity system can be daunting, but I will give you the tools and confidence to make your own informed decisions.

You are the expert in your own life, capable of reaching your personal goals and taking charge of your birth journey, even if things don't go as planned.

Every aspect of coaching is fully customisable, and flexible payment plans are available. 

We can start anytime in your pregnancy, and continue as long as you find the sessions beneficial, even well into your postpartum.

By the end of our sessions, you'll feel fully informed and empowered to advocate for yourself. You'll be well-prepared for any surprises that may arise during labour, birth, and your parenting journey. 

Don't let overwhelm dampen your pregnancy experience.

Let's unlock your birth potential together.

Contact me today to discover how my transformational birth coaching can support you

As an experienced doula and a seasoned mother, I am confident that I can help you prepare for your birth and parenting journey.

I'll provide you with tools and strategies that align with your beliefs, addressing all the possible variations your birth may take.

You'll be equipped to make conscious and informed decisions, no matter what circumstances arise.

Coaching FAQ’s

  • Birth coaching is a transformative process that brings clarity to your birthing journey.

    Through our collaboration, we invite meaningful change that not only supports you during birth but extends its impact to your role as a parent and as an individual.

    During a birth coach session, we create a safe and nurturing space for you to openly discuss your questions, hopes, and fears surrounding your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period.

    We delve deep into uncovering what truly matters to you for this birth experience.

    Are you grappling with decisions about choosing the right care provider? Feeling overwhelmed by the information and support options available to you during and after birth? Or wondering how you’ll manage with the pain of labour?

    Together, we'll sort through the unknowns by providing well-researched resources.

    But our exploration doesn't stop there!

    We will go anywhere you want us to go, nothing is off limits - if it is bothering you and causing you concern as you are gearing up to give birth, and you need a safe place to lay it all out - I am here and I’ll hold space for you and help you find the clarity you need.

  • A birth doula is often far more hands-on and intimate than a birth coach and would usually be present during the labour and birth of the baby whereas the birth coach helps to define your goals, uncover priorities, address uncertainties, and provides ongoing support as you move toward reaching your goals.

    A birth coach helps you create a comprehensive birth philosophy for a confident and empowered birth experience.

    Birth coaching is a transformative process that brings clarity, supporting families in exploring their birthing options and understanding their choices.

  • If you are seeking direction and support in life, you are likely to enlist the help of a life coach.

    If you want to get fit, you hire a fitness coach.

    If you are embarking on a business venture, you might seek guidance from an experienced business coach.

    So……… when you’re expecting a baby, tt's time to hire a birth coach who will be your trusted companion throughout this transformative journey.

  • Birth coaching is for pregnant mums who are feeling overwhelmed, out of control, stressed or not sure where to start or what to do.

    It’s for pregnant mums who want to feel ready and confident for their birth.

    Birth coaching is suitable for all types of birth​​ - home birth, c-section, water birth, free birth, hospital birth, birth centre birth, and induction.

    It’s for you and your birth partner to get ready for your birth and parenting journey.

  • You can do the sessions with me alone or your birth partner can join us, whatever you prefer.

    Sometimes it’s really helpful to do the session with your birth partner so you are both on the same page.

    If you don't have a partner or if you’re a single mum, you’ll really benefit from our sessions and we’ll customise them to suit your situation.

  • If you live in Perth, the coaching sessions are mostly done in person in Byford in my private rooms.

    Birth coaching can be done online from anywhere in the world so wherever you are, I can work in around your time zone!

  • After each session, you will receive a comprehensive summary of our discussions, along with specific actions tailored to your unique circumstances.

    This clarity document will serve as a guide, which you can refine with your birth partner.

    I will also provide homework assignments that will help you further develop your own birth philosophy.

    To ensure ongoing support, I offer follow-up phone sessions to check on your progress, answer any lingering questions, and provide continuous guidance so you feel supported each step of the way.